
May 18th, 2024 - Pride Festival

Massachusetts Youth Pride 2024

Él was invited to table at Massachusetts Pride for SWAGLY (Supporters of Worcester Area Gay and Lesbian Youth) in their role as Adult Advisor. This year's theme was "Reading is Fundamental: Pride in Every Story" so the SWAGLY tabling set-up included handing out zines in addition to safer sex supplies and other information.

May 7th, 2024 - Public Health Conference

Intersections: Equity and Engagement in Substance Use Services

Él attended the Intersections conference as apart of their responsibilities on the Post-Overdose Support Team at AIDS Project Worcester. This DPH and BSAS-sponsored event included attending informational sessions on harm reduction topics, tabling during the event, and the premiere of a new poster graphic for AIDS Project Worcester.

November 2nd, 2023 - Youth Conference

Queer Activist Conference (QuAC)

Él was invited by the AGLY network as a member of The See You Collective to present about mutual aid and community care at QuAC, a conference for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults ages 15 to 25 from across Massachusetts. This event was connected to Él's current role as the Adult Advisor to SWAGLY, an LGBTQ+ youth program of the AGLY Network and AIDS Project Worcester.

November 3rd, 2023 - Academic Conference

"Gender and the Body" Conference

Él was invited by the Harvard Journal of Law and Gender to speak on a panel entitled "Transgender Youth Activism and Resistance" for the Fall 2023 conference "Gender and the Body" at Harvard Law School. 

October 25th, 2023 - Legislative Rally

Sex Ed Isn’t Spooky Rally

Él was a speaker at a rally entitled "Sex Ed Isn’t Spooky" in front of the Massachusetts Statehouse, hosted by the Healthy Youth Act Coalition. "An Act relative to healthy youth​" (S.268/H.544) is a common sense bill whose core provision is simple: it will require any public school that already chooses to teach sex ed to provide medically accurate, consent-based, LGBTQ+ inclusive sexual health education.

September 9th, 2023 - Youth Panel

Youth For Sex Ed Summit Panel

Él was invited to speak on a panel at the Youth for Sex Ed Summit led by Youth for Sex-Ed and sponsored by Mass NOW. This event was organized in support of the Massachusetts Healthy Youth Act. This legislation would ensure that all MA students have LGBTQ+ inclusive, medically accurate, and age-appropriate sex education. 

Zoom Cloud password: &hR1#EQM

September 27th, 2022 - Academic Panel

Organize to Decolonize: How Can We Decolonize Community Engagement?

Él was a guest speaker on a panel facilitated by Nafisa Tanjeem, Associate Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies on behalf of Worcester State University. This event was supported by the Education, Liberal, and Interdisciplinary Studies Dean’s Office.

May 2nd, 2022 - Community Panel

Supporting and Affirming Transgender and Gender Expansive Students - NPS

Él was asked to speak on this educational panel hosted by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion department of Newton Public Schools. The 150+ audience members included parents, students, and school staff.

May 27th, 2021 - Panel

Anti-Apartheid not Anti-Semitism: Palestinian Liberation and BDS

Él was an organizer and panel facilitator of this event hosted by the Justice for Lesley Coalition in collaboration with Palestinians on the ground, BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) organizers, and Jewish advocates for Palestine. Over $2,000 was raised by members of the Lesley University community to compensate panelists, most of which was donated directly to the work of Dr. Khitam Adelbi for her art therapy practice in Gaza.